New Course Launched in Response to IMO Ballast Water Management Convention at Warsash

We have launched a new two-day course in response to the imminent ratification of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention (2004).

This intensive course will ensure that company and organisation officials are better prepared to implement and monitor the Convention.

The Convention includes an environmental responsibility for the shipping industry, with measures being put in place to avoid pollution through the transfer of non-indigenous species from one area of the world to another through the ship’s water ballast. The Ballast Water Management (BWM) course, being delivered by Warsash’s maritime training experts is designed to help provide a clear understanding of implementation and monitoring requirements at an early stage.

Petrochemical senior lecturer and course leader, Captain Nadeem Anwar, says: “There are no mandatory training requirements to date. However, for monitoring purposes, the administrations either have to organise in-house training or take advantage of the available quality course on this topic.

“Similarly, the shipping companies need to develop an in-house ability to inform their decision making regarding the technology to adapt as per the Convention. Upon ratification, there will be – as usual – a race against time; therefore by attending our course this is an opportunity to prepare for compliance”.

The Ballast Water Management course will take delegates through the requirements, and provide the knowledge required for planning, implementation and monitoring of the Convention. As enforcement authorities will have a part to play to ensure that the vessels comply with the requirements, the course also provides an overview of the key monitoring and compliance checks to be expected.

In addition, the main principles of the treatment technologies available for installation and use will be outlined, along with the pitfalls of the same. Furthermore, the issues of installation, retrofitting and convention compliance are covered. The course provides an overview of the key foreign legislation and the key differences with the Convention requirements.

The BWM course is aimed for a wide variety of professionals within the maritime industry, those who have positions with shipping management, Ports State Control and flag state administrations. It is highly suitable for superintendents, surveyors, vetting inspectors, terminal operators and managers, legal team and maritime law experts, enforcement agency personnel, environment responsibilities, seafaring officers and engineers.

The first course starts 5 October 2016, full details of the course can be found here.

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